Participant 038

Interview transcript

“I” = interviewer. “P” = participant.

I           So tell me about the flag.

P          This is, this is my country. This is my country’s flag and this is where my grandfather has fought for our freedom, my dad was . . . fought for our freedom in World War II. My . . . all my brothers fought . . . in the service. And my son fought for the service

I           OK, and was there something in particular that appealed to you about the flag . . .

P                       . . .it’s a sign . . .

I                                    . . .when you picked it out?…

P                                               . . . of freedom for me and when, it, when we sing the Star Spangled Banner . . . it brings . . . my whole body inside, it brings, it’s overcome with emotion . . . because of all the people who have died for our . . . our constitutional rights. Um . . . people that came from England were under kings and, uh, monarchs and this, this flag means freedom from . . . monarchy, and . . . it’s our freedom.

I           And do you think it communicates a message to others when you carry it here today?

P          It may not to all people, I mean, I know we get a lot of people that come from other countries that may not feel this way, and you know actually there’s some people who have been born here that don’t feel this way, but . . . maybe I would have been like that too when I was younger. But that’s not as I matured . . . and I realized, and I didn’t also appreciate my parents like that, but now I do. And you mature, and you have children, and you grow to find out that . . . look what they did! and you start looking at . . . like the Patriots, the Civil War . . . ever . . . all of that. It’s amazing. So . . .

I                        . . .OK . . .

P                                   . . . but it’s god first . . . country . . . and my family.

I           OK, so I have three quick demographic questions for you, and remember you don’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to.

P          OK

I           One is are you willing to share your age?

P          I . . . I . . . I’m a grandma of seven, so I’m obviously over . . . uh old enough to have seven grandchildren.

I                        . . . so maybe over 40 . . .

P                                   . . . and my son . . . my oldest son is 44, so that gives you a good idea about how old I am.

I           That gives me a good idea, thank you. And are you yourself a member of the armed forces or a veteran?

P          I . . . no. I wasn’t.

I           And then, how would you describe yourself on the political spectrum?

P          I am for constitutional rights. I am for the constitution. So . . . that’s what I believe in. I believe in the . . . George Washington, John Adams, do not tread . . . do not tread on me. I am . . . that’s who I am. But I . . . again . . . I, my faith in, in Jesus comes first, and then my country, so, they’re all one for me.

I           OK, thank you so much for the time.

  • Interview details

    On the street, Republican Nat'l Convention, 19 July 2016. Cleveland, OH. Interview and photos by Brian Larson.

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