“I” = interviewer. “P” = participant.
I OK, cool, so tell me about the sweater.
P So I work at ________ and this sweater, we don’t sell it there right now, be we did like a year ago, and I thought it would be perfect to wear this week. Um . . . I’m not like Republican or part of the convention in any way, but I . . . I do like that the convention’s in Cleveland and I’m just wearing it around town, just for fun.
I OK, does it make you feel any particular way when you’re wearing it?
P Uh I feel patriotic. It’s nice to have too for like Fourth of July, Memorial Day, and different patriotic events. Um, I was born in Washington DC so I like care a lot about politics in America and this sweater’s like an easy way to represent America without getting like too political.
I Right, so do you think it communicates any particular message?
P Um . . . I think . . . well, I think it’s kind of like hippie-ish and I’m kind of like a modern-day hippie and so I think it communicates the message of . . . not just like loving America as a country, but um . . . the fact that as a country we can do great things. We can promote peace, and like positive things throughout the world. Um . . . so I like to think that this sweater helps do that.
I And how do you think it might do that?
P Because it helps me be a peaceful and loving person, and so in my own little area it can do that, and you know, one person can make a difference where they go.
I Excellent. So I have three demographic questions to wrap up with and I think you’ve hinted at one already . . . your age is?
P 28
I 28. have you ever served in the armed forces?
P I have not.
I And how would you describe yourself on the political spectrum?
P Uh . . . I am pretty liberal. Um . . . generally a Democrat, I actually worked on the past two Obama campaigns. But . . . um . . . I don’t have strong positive feelings towards Hillary, so I . . . I mean, I will probably vote for her, assuming she is the Democrat candidate. I probably won’t vote for Trump, but I have been meeting a lot of really nice Republicans this week, so, you know, being in a swing state and a swing county . . . I could be persuaded otherwise . . .
I OK, and do you have any other comments or thoughts you want to share?
P No.
I Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me. I really appreciate it.
P Thanks!
On the street, Republican Nat'l Convention, 19 July 2016. Cleveland, OH. Interview and photos by Brian Larson.
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