Participant 018

Interview transcript

“I” = interviewer. “P” = participant.

I           So tell me about the flag.

P          Ah, it’s an American flag. It’s ah upside down in distress and it says “no gods” “no masters” cuz I’m an anarchist.

I           OK, uh, what motivated you to buy the flag or create the flag?

P          I actually found the flag, but I ah, you know, that’s . . . just what I believe in. And America’s in distress, so . . . might as well display it so it, uh, shows, gives the message to other people.

I           OK, and does it make you feel a certain way while you’re carrying it?

P          Ah, no, not particularly

I           And you talked about kinda the message you were conveying with it, you wanna reiterate that?

P          Ah, you know, just no gods no masters, uh, don’t . . . I don’t want anybody telling me what to do regardless whether or not they’re a government or religious entity, I’m able to make my own choices, with my, ah, you know with my own actions. I’m responsible for myself. Nobody else is giving me ah [pause] Telling me to be a good person. I’m completely able to do it on my own.

I           And how do you think the flag communicates that message?

P          Well, the flag is a sign of imperialism, of our country, and ah . . . it doesn’t convey that, and so putting it in distress shows what the actions of our country really are.

I           OK, I got three quick demographic questions to wrap up with. Number one, do you mind sharing your age?

P          Ah, 25

I           Number two, are you now or have you ever been a member of the armed forces?

P          Nope

I           Number three, where would you describe yourself on the political spectrum?

P          I’m an anarchist.

I           OK, any questions you got or additional comments?

P          Nope.

I           Thanks for your time, I really appreciate it.

  • Interview details

    Street march protest, Republican Nat'l Convention, 18 July 2016. Cleveland, OH. Interview and photos by Brian Larson.

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