“I” = interviewer. “P” = participant. “PC” = the participant’s companion.
P And this guy’s one of these . . . nerds?
I That’s me, that’s true. I have to confess. So can you tell me about this shirt?
P What, USA shirt? I bought it at Wal-Mart. Which was probably made in another country.
I That could be, yes, um, so were there particular things that you were thinking about when you were buying this shirt?
P Not really.
PC Our kids, we were taking them as souvenirs, this is so silly, we were taking them, we were in . . .
P . . . North Carolina . . .
PC . . .Columbia . . .
P . . . South Carolina . . .
PC . . . South Carolina. And we wanted to take them a uh . . .
P . . . souvenir . . .
PC . . . we always take them something back. They’re grown but . . . so we were gonna get, something . . .
P . . . three . .
PC . . . yeah, so we did. USA.
P . . . something from Cleveland.
I Does it make you feel a particular way when you wear it?
P No . . . because it’s, where, I feel already is enough for me, you know, I don’t need that booster [difficult to interpret] . . .
PC . . . you’re proud . . .
I And do you think it communicates a message to others?
P Sure. Sure.
I What message?
P I can’t read minds.
I Well, what do you think you’re projecting with it?
P I can’t read minds if . . .
PC I think we’re, OK, I’m sixty. . .
P . . . because, because if I wear a shirt like this, one guy might see something else and another guy might see something else. So, I can only speak for me.
I OK, what do you think?
P Well, I’m proud of bein’ an American, proud of being . . . in America, and I’ve been here long enough to know I ain’t going nowhere, so . . .
I OK, um, so, there are three demographic questions at the end. You’ve sort of answered a couple of them already. One is if you’re willing to share your age.
P I’m uh, seventy-, goin’ on seventy-three.
I Going on 73, and uh I think you said you were a veteran of the armed forces, is that . . .
P . . . yes . . .
I . . . is that correct? Um, and uh can you tell me roughly where you would describe yourself as falling on the political spectrum?
P I’m a Democrat.
I OK, cool, that’s all I needed to know.
There are no additional information available for this project.
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